The Creation Process

All the wood, both domestic and exotic, used in my products has been sustainable sourced and ethically harvested from the U.S., Central America, South America, West Africa, etc.

I work out of the shop in my backyard. I create everything myself and by hand (I use about 3 power tools), crafting in small batches to ensure quality work. Every piece produced is unique with its own markings and qualities. I really enjoy the natural beauty of wood so I try to keep all knots, curves and deviations without deterring from the intended nature of the product.

Production time for products:

  • Cutting Boards - 5 to 6 days

  • Charcuterie Boards - 4 to 5 days

  • Coasters - 5 to 6 days

  • Refinished furniture - dependent upon item size and complexity

I finish all cutting boards and charcuterie boards with two coats of Walrus Oil Cutting Board Oil and seal with a single coat of Walrus Oil Wood Wax. I choose to use Walrus Oil products because they are toxin free, and made from all natural vegan ingredients such as Beeswax, Vitamin E, Coconut Oil, and Pure Mineral Oil making them 100% food safe. To buy Walrus Oil products, visit